It IS my intention to make people think, and to think for themselves, away from ideas imposed on them by others.
I am not concerned whether a person agrees with me or not. What matters is that each person is honest to themself and that they resopect the rights of anyone else to their views. Otherwise the mental consequences can be too much to bear. I want the right to have my views; hence I must extend that right to others.
Throughout history up to today we see what happens when people do not respect the rights of others to have a different religious outlook. Christianity was torn apart by its internal wars of the 4th and 5th centuries, and when tens of thousands were killed during the Reformation period, and today such as with Ireland and with fundamentalist Islamists. When has religion brought peace? Secular society is bringing the churches (and the Watchtower) to account over the sexual abuses they tolerated in order to protect their organisations.